Thus ends the Sexy Shower Tour, which could perhaps be better described as the Bestial Golden Shower Tour (for the amazingly large number of encounters with cat pee we've experienced)
To sum up:
New York, New York- city so nice, they named it twice... we also decided to play twice, to, you know, drum up support. Alas, Manhattan was as unforgiving as Brooklyn and again we played to a ghost audience. The other band was amazing though, and good, drunk and good and drunk friends were in attendance. Exeunt the big city, but not before a ride on the super sweet and oh so free Staten Island ferry! Yay!
Bean town ho! And a return to the pillowy, welcoming arms of Queereoke. This time there were people there! Goodness, a real show, who would've believed it? Not too shabby for our last American date, I must say. As we drove into the sunset approaching our home on Native land, we thought for a second that we might miss the land of the free (guns) and brave (flagwavers)- or at least we'd miss the cheap liquor and cigarettes. Lucky for us there's an all night duty free shop!
And then there was the border. We're Canadian citizens, no problem, right? What the F? They searched us again! Do we really look that sketchy? Ok our van's a peace of shit, we're dirty, unshaven and have no jobs or prospects, but we're not terrorists, or at least not THAT type of terrorists (and why the fuck is it such a concern whether we received any gifts, huh? Maybe somebody, somewhere likes us. Ever think of that? Well, I guess they don't 'cause we didn't get any gifts, but that's beside the point). Goddamn, it ain't fair! We did get across (into our own facking country!) but jesus murphy... they liked our masks though.
Back in the T-Dot for one last kick at the can. This time a loft party proves to be our saviour. No annoying asshole bands, people inside, dancing and singing along (ok, it was just one girl, but she was damn cute, so it counts for, like, four people, right?) Good times. Who ever said that Toronto sucks? Err, maybe it was us, but we kinda take it back. For now.
And that's about it. Tomorrow we're back in poutine land, drowning our sorrows in cheese curds and maple syrup. At least that's the plan. Did I mention our van's a piece of shit? It's developed a few new bumps and grinds, so tomorrow should be an adventure... yeah hitch-hiking!